I never expected that I would spend a week of my summer vacation in El Salvador. In fact, before the trip, I did not know anything about the country except for its name. But after volunteering there, the words “El Salvador” are no longer just a name, but a representation of an unforgettable life experience.
When we, Care To Help volunteers, arrived at the airport, I was surprised at how the city was fairly modern. It was bustling with cars, chain restaurants, tall buildings, billboards, and people. The capital was nice, however, it does not accurately represent the country.
What our group saw outside of cities and towns were people living very bare lifestyles. People who were not near any town of some sort had no electricity or plumbing. It was not uncommon for people to live in homes made out of metal sheets and an assortment of other materials. In order to help a family that lived in such a house, Care To Help and Techo worked together to wax, build, and roof a wooden house for the family. This was a new experience for me and while it was tiring, it was rewarding to see not only the finished house, but also the happiness and appreciation of the family’s children. As their mother does not come home often, a good house will help them live safer.
While building the house was one of the most interesting activities we did in El Salvador, what I most vividly remember is our visit to Sonsonate School. This is a school that Care2Help donated 15,000 books, and $2,000 to a year ago. Every time I think back about our visit to the school, I am overwhelmed by the memories of the lively and sparkling faces of the students. Before this visit, I had never seen such genuine and innocent happiness in any school I have been to. The innocence and cheer that we saw in the youth symbolized hope for the future. It was the smiles of the students that made me think, “We are making a difference.”
I experienced a lot of new activities and events in El Salvador with Care To Help Foundation. I was able to see true appreciation and the purest form of hope within many El Salvadorans multiple times. The priceless memories that I experienced, and lessons that I learned will be with me for life. And that is truly priceless.
– Jim Tang, Whippany High School
Care To Help Foundation 的“萨尔瓦多送暖”之旅经历,将会是伴随我一生的无价之宝。
– 义工 唐睿,美国新泽西州Whippany 高中