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2017 Distribution in El Salvador

Recognition by president of El Salvador in Ilopango

好心人基金會會長翁雁天,創辦人李欽福,顧問蔡長川及義工方德群等一行, 自8月28日至9月2日,在薩爾瓦多展開一星期的年度關懷及發放行程。

基金會一行拜會了薩爾瓦青年局及殘障復健協會(ISRI)。 由於該國青年人口佔全國人口三分之二,簡報中有幫助青年的各項計劃。在瞭解了該國 殘障復建協會(ISRI)的計劃之後,好心人基金會同意幫助他們籌款,興建廠房、購買設備,讓他們可以培訓製作成衣,銷售給政府和民間單位,並將獲利用於殘障人士。 好心人基金會分別捐贈了300個足球和100台輪椅 。

發放的八百多戶家庭糧食袋,由張仁傑、張佩芬夫婦以及楊清源、李翠萍夫婦捐贈;基金會也持續捐贈電腦,幫助各地成立電腦教室。 發放的範圍包括SanJuan Opico、 Canton Talcualuya、 La Libertad、Ahuachapan、 Zaragoza,以及Comalapa等地。

Distribution of food and clothing

今年的捐贈項目除了糧食、衣物 、足球、電腦、輪椅,還有獎學金。基金會捐贈的年度清寒獎學金20個名額給第一夫人辦公室,20個名額給全國婦女協會,總計24,000美元。此外,由基金會協助安排的中原大學暑期電腦課程,在Ahuachapan的中途之家(ISNA),三年以來成果豐碩。今年的進階課程由七位中原大學師生帶領,將近一個月的課程在28日上午圓滿結業,頒發證書。

Scholarship program

Sanchez Ceren總統, 在Ilopango市「總統與市民有約」的大型民眾活動中, 表彰翁雁天會長及李欽福等一行,感謝好心人基金會過去十年來,對該國各地所提供的各項援助計劃。值得一提的是,此行基金會成員及中原大學義工,還獲邀拜會了薩爾瓦多總統府、第一夫人辦公室、婦女會及國會。

2016-08-30 Donated hygiene supplies to a shelter run by ISNA

CHF volunteers visited Hogar del Nino Vicente de Paul, a shelter ran by ISNA for abused children age 8-12 & women suffering from domestic violence. CHF donated hygiene supplies.

2016-12-08 Veteran Holiday gift program

CHF donated 125 blankets for NY Veteran Hospital Holiday Gift Program.


2016-12-10 Senior center Holiday program

CHF donated 60 blankets to seniors Victory House senior center in Matawan.

2016-09-02 Chilanga & San Antonio Distribution

Chilanga – donated 6 computers and 150 bags of food.

San Antonio – donated 150 bags of clothing and 150 bags of food.

2016-08-31 Nueva Cuscatlan & Huzucar – Distribution & education program

Nueva Cuscatlan – Visited & donated 100 bags food, 100 bags of clothes & 10 computers.

Huizucar – Visited & donated 100 bags food, 100 bags of clothes & 10 computers.

2016-8-30 Distribution Dulce Nombre de Maria

CHF donated 10 computers, 100 bags of each food & clothing at Dulce Nombre de Maria.

2016-08-30 Service Learning computer class

The children at the INSA run shelter go to the school Centro Escolar Catolico Hogar del Nino, where the Service Learning (a college volunteer organization) taught computer classes during summer. The Vice President’s Wife, Elda Gladis Tobar joined us while certificates were given to children who participated in the computer classes.

2016-08-29 Scholarship program – Women’s Development Center Suchitoto

August 29th, 2016  Schitoto, El Salvador

Women’s Development Center in Suchitoto – Scholarship ceremony

CHF donated US$12,000 for scholarship. 12 girls with at least a 7/10 school grades, each will receive US$50/month. Congresswoman Jacklyn Rivera was present during the signing of the contract.

2016-08-29 Meet with El Salvador’s first lady

Visited the first Lady Margarita Villalta de Sanchez of El Salvador
