CHF donated 125 blankets for NY Veteran Hospital Holiday Gift Program.
CHF donated 125 blankets for NY Veteran Hospital Holiday Gift Program.
CHF donated 60 blankets to seniors Victory House senior center in Matawan.
A Hygiene products drive was conducted by Care To Help volunteer Justin Chen between April 13th and April 26th, 2016 in Freehold High School.
Justin Chen, who is a student member of National Honor Society: Robert Friedman Chapter at Freehold High School, led and organized a donation drive under Care To Help Foundation to collect hygiene products such as toothbrush, and toothpaste, dental floss, mouth wash, bar soap, shampoo, and hand sanitizer.
He coordinated the process of creating flyers, distributing flyers, collecting donation items, and packing these items with other members of Care To Help Foundation. The hygiene products were sent to El Salvador, where a total of 352 students benefited from these donations.
CHF president & volunteers visited VA Hospital in NYC on December 10th to distribute 120 blankets, hats, gloves and leg warmers to the veterans.
It has been CHF’s tradition to coordinate with American Legion & American Legion Auxiliary in NYC to bring veterans Holiday gift each December.
Rod Roderick, American Legion NY County Commander & Fang Wong, former National Commander of The American Legion joined volunteers to distribute the gifts to veterans in the hospital. Barbara Wong, Vice Chair of Auxiliary Emergency Fund and Fanny Hom, VA Holiday gift shop coordinator, volunteers and VA hospital volunteer service staffs worked gather to assemble the gift bags then distributed to different units in the hospital.
Some of the nurses and aids in the station gave volunteers a warm welcome by singing Holiday songs.
On November 4th, Care to Help Foundation initiated their first 2015 Veteran Holiday gift projects. In collaboration with Elks National Veterans Service, Care To Help distributed 160 blankets at the Veteran dinner party to Veterans from North Jersey VA Hospitals & communities.
The dinner party was held at Birchwood Manor in Whippany, NJ. The Veterans who attended this Holiday dinner party were from VA Hospitals in Lyons, East Orange Paramus, Menlo Park, Boonton Fireman’s House & Care One.
In addition, there are veterans from Parsippany, Boonton, Lake Hopatcong, Sussex, Sparta, Livingston, Florham Park, Hackettstown & Madison townships.
This is the first year Care To Help jointed the event organizer, Elks National Veterans Service to provide gift to veterans in North Jersey during their Veteran’s remembrance month program.
Many attendees expressed thanks to Ann & Michael, Care To Help volunteers, and asked Care To Help to continue support this event in the future.
“Uniting Nations to Change a Life” 是由前薩爾瓦多駐聯合國大使 Carlos Garcia 帶領成立的非營利機構,希望能夠透過各種計劃的推行,針對降低薩爾瓦多的高犯罪率作出貢獻。8月12日Garcia大使在紐約舉行宣傳會,有來自各地非營利慈善組織及聯合國的代表共百餘位出席。
與會的聯合國非政府組織代表們紛紛提出建議,希望能幫助減低薩爾瓦多的高犯罪率。 從教育著手獲得普遍的認同,此外透過信仰的力量,傳教士們對於青少年的輔導也是不容忽視的。
Date: December 7, 2013
Location: Victoria House Assisted Living / Matawan, NJ Distributed 60 blankets
Care To Help volunteers Ann Wang, Margaret Chen, and Justin Chen coordinated with one of the local Chinese schools and organized the Holiday program at Victoria House Assisted Living on December 7th, 2013.
The program started with a series of singing and dancing performances and was then followed by sing-along holiday songs. At the end of the performance program, 60 blankets were distributed as gifts from Care To Help Charity Foundation.
Residents at Victoria House expressed their appreciation at the end. One of the ladies said that her life was meaningless until the volunteers of Care To Help paid a visit and greet her with warmth during this holiday season.
Care To Help at VA Hospital – Bronx, NY
December 7, 2013
With American Legion Auxiliary
Distributed 200 Blankets to veterans
正值端午佳节来临之际, 气温节节攀升。在周末,那些空下来的人们或组织野餐,或走亲访友,一片欢乐祥和的样子。好心人基金会新洲分会的义工们也怀揣着热情——在这灿烂的五月里开展了新一轮的募衣工作。
值得注意的是,在这一次的大规模募衣活动中涌现了许多我们期待已久的年轻力量,有六位新泽西高中的年轻志愿者全程帮助我们收集,搬运并整理了这一些征募而来的包裹。我们也在此再次号召有更多的年轻朋友来青睐和加入我们的行列-Care To Help Foundation。存好心,做实事。 – 義工 韓忻