Visit & distribute Holiday Gift to VA Hospital in NYC


CHF president & volunteers visited VA Hospital in NYC on December 10th to distribute 120 blankets, hats, gloves and leg warmers to the veterans. 

It has been CHF’s tradition to coordinate with American Legion & American Legion Auxiliary in NYC to bring veterans Holiday gift each December.  

Rod Roderick, American Legion NY County Commander & Fang Wong, former National Commander of The American Legion joined volunteers to distribute the gifts to veterans in the hospital. Barbara Wong, Vice Chair of Auxiliary Emergency Fund and Fanny Hom, VA Holiday gift shop coordinator, volunteers and VA hospital volunteer service staffs worked gather to assemble the gift bags then distributed to different units in the hospital.  

Some of the nurses and aids in the station gave volunteers a warm welcome by singing Holiday songs. 



Children’s book and toy donation in St. Lucia

Care To Foundation president Weng visited St. Lucia for the annual Christmas gift donation to children.  1500 children’s book & 1500 toys will be distributed through St. Lucia’s minister & local Red Cross to children in St. Lucia.






Holiday visit & gift distribution to Atrium Health in Matawan, NJ

Activity: Holiday visit & gift distribution

Date & Time: December 5th, 2015  2:00pm-3:00pm

Location: Atrium Health at Matawan, NJ

Distribution: 60 blankets & scarves.


Performance program presented by local Chinese School.

Program hosted by: Justin & Magaret Chen








2015 Veteran programs initiated in North Jersey

On November 4th, Care to Help Foundation initiated their first 2015 Veteran Holiday gift projects.  In collaboration with Elks National Veterans Service, Care To Help distributed 160 blankets at the Veteran dinner party to Veterans from North Jersey VA Hospitals & communities.

 IMG_1886-2The dinner party was held at Birchwood Manor in Whippany, NJ. The Veterans who attended this Holiday dinner party were from VA Hospitals in Lyons, East Orange Paramus, Menlo Park, Boonton Fireman’s House & Care One.

In addition, there are veterans from Parsippany, Boonton, Lake Hopatcong, Sussex, Sparta, Livingston, Florham Park, Hackettstown & Madison townships.

DSC02480This is the first year Care To Help jointed the event organizer, Elks National Veterans Service to provide gift to veterans in North Jersey during their Veteran’s remembrance month program.

Many attendees expressed thanks to Ann & Michael, Care To Help volunteers, and asked Care To Help to continue support this event in the future.






Gala 2015

Care To Help Foundation 2015 Gala

On April 12th, President Weng of Care To Help Foundation reported the foundation’s plans and projects to the supporters during the Gala at Birchwood Manor in Whippany New Jersey.

Supporters of various projects & volunteers were acknowledged and rewarded.


Visit Tepecoyo computer classroom/ distribute food & clothing 8/15/2015

Visited Tepecoyo computer classroom.

Distributed food & clothing to 150 families in Tepecoyo

8 月15日,Care To Help Foundation 會長及義工一行到 Tepecoyo 市參觀,翁會長建議在剛落成的電腦中心安裝空調設備,除了營造更好學習環境,並且對維護中心內的硬體設備將有很大幫助。Tepecoyo市長表示,市內最欠缺的是救護車,目前沒有任何一台可使用的救護車,因此希望基金會能夠協助,不須要全新,二手即可,主要用途是緊急情況下,可以送病人到醫院就診。同日也對150個家庭進行了衣物及糧食發放。

Visit El Castano elementary school 8/11/2015

參觀 El Castaño 小學,認識校園,並與 ConTextos人員一同討論如何幫助 El Castaño小學。

Visit first lady’s office & San Vicente de Paul 8/14/2015

8月14日上午,翁會長帥領Care To Help的青年義工前往薩爾瓦多總統府 拜會第一夫人Mrs. Margarita Sanchez,商討如何經由各項教育計劃來提昇薩爾瓦多青少年學生的數位資訊水平。在總統府巧遇副總統Mr. Oscar Ortiz 並合影留念。隨後與副總統夫人一同前往isna青少年中心,參訪Care To Help Foundation援助設立的電腦教室,並頒發獎品給前三名畢業學生。

此次Care To Help與大學學生們合作,利用暑假時間前往薩爾瓦多,在當地進行了五個星期的電腦教學,深獲薩國受援單位好評,將規劃明年再來薩國幫助提昇資訊教育。

下午學生們加入義工發放行列,前往 San Vicente de Paul 市發放糧食衣物給100戶家庭。

Visit San Petro Masahuat & Ayuxtepeque 8/13/2015

上午 拜會San Petro Masahuat市,舉行由新澤西州王百祿先生捐贈建屋計劃的揭幕典禮,也同時發放糧食衣物給150 家庭。下午發放150糧食衣物給Ayuxtepeque市居民。

Visit El Carmen & Ciudad Arce 8/12/2015

拜會El Carmen, Ciudad Arce兩市,發放糧食物資給300戶家庭。